Term and Conditions

By using this site, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this notice.
The Materials are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be republished by you or provided by you to third parties without the express written consent of Focus Removals
Also, downloading and copying the Materials is subject to the following restrictions:
• You must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the Materials on all copies of the Materials that you make
• You may not modify the Materials in any way or reproduce or publicly display, perform or distribute or otherwise use them for any public purpose
• You must give notice of these restrictions on use of the Materials to any person to whom you provide the Materials
Changes and Other Terms
Focus Removalspossesses the right to make changes and updates to any information contained within this site without prior notice. Also,Focus Removalsreserves the right to change any of the Terms of Use without prior notice. Access to particular Services on the site may be subject to additional or different terms and conditions, as specified by Focus Removalsfrom time to time.
Focus RemovalsContract:
This Contract is entered into by (Customer Name) (“customer” or “you”) and Foucs Removals, Inc
these conditions explain the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all parties to this Agreement. Where we use the word ‘You’ or ‘Your’ it means the Customer: ‘We’, ‘Us’ or ‘Our’ means the Remover. For the purposes of this Agreement an item is defined as the entire contents of a box, parcel, package, carton, or similar container, and any other object or thing that is moved, handled or stored by us. These terms and conditions can be varied or amended subject to prior written agreement. we set out Our liability to You for loss and damage to Your goods and premises. Please read these clauses carefully.
Arrival Times:
When scheduling a move, Focus Removalswill give you an estimated window of arrival. We will use all reasonable efforts to make sure we are there within that window. If we are running early or late, we will call you as soon as possible to let you know. Please make sure we have a phone number to get in touch with you on moving day. Even if, despite our efforts, we arrive later than the estimated time, there are no corresponding discounts given.
The movers will present you with a bill at the end of the move. If you are moving items into storage, if we are loading a truck for you or if there is any other reason that we will not have a permanent address for you in the area, the only payment that we can accept is cash, credit card or bank transfer. (Please have a wide denomination of bills if paying by cash, as our movers do not carry change).
If you are paying by check, we require proof of identification, current phone number, current address, and social security or driver license number on all checks. (We do not accept starter checks) We have a $25.00 return check fee, plus any other cost incurred in attempting to collect payment.
If a check is returned, then you authorize Focus Removalsto charge the credit card you provided for the amount of the move, plus a $25.00 fee.
If we do not receive payment in full on the day of the move, you authorize us to charge the credit card you provided us when you scheduled the move for the full remaining amount of the invoice.
If you are paying by cards there is a 3% surcharge on top of full amount should be paid by customer.
Focus Removalshires and trains all of our own employees. Our movers are equipped with the proper equipment and training to do your moving. Though damages happen very infrequently, and our movers try their very best to move all of your belongings safely, from time to time, damage may occur. If by chance there were to be damage, you must pay the full amount you owe Focus Removals before will honour any damage claim.
Focus Removalsis responsible for items in boxes or any type of container only if we have packed it ourselves. Any items that have been packed, wrapped, or padded that we are unable to verify had not been previously damaged, we hold no responsibility for that.
If an item was damaged due to the circumstances of the property access and a Focus Removalsemployee, then Focus Removalsis fully insure with ZURICH insurancewith public liabilities worthof $5,000,000 and transit insurance worth of $ 10,000 per load.
• The access to file a claim is $500 payable by the client
• Determination of amount of our liability for loss or damage
• Standard Liability.
1. If You advise Us of the value of Your goods, prior to the work commencing the amount of Our liability to You in the event of loss or damage to those goods will be determined a maximum liability of $10,000 in the event of the total loss of the goods. We may agree to accept liability for a higher amount, in which case we may make an additional charge.
2. In the event of loss of or damage to Your goods, Our liability to You shall not exceed a sum equivalent to the cost of their repair or replacement whichever is the smaller sum, taking into account the age and condition of the goods immediately prior to their loss or damage, up to the maximum liability of $10,000 (unless We have agreed a higher amount with You).
3. Where the lost or damaged item is part of a pair or set, our liability to You, where it is assessed as the cost of replacement of that item, is to be assessed as a sum equivalent to the cost of that item in isolation, not the cost of that item as part of a pair or set.
4. In the event of our liability to you representing the full value of an item, we may at our option remove it as salvage. Where items are capable of repair for a sum less than the replacement cost, taking into account the age and condition, the repair cost will be our maximum liability.
5. In the event of the loss of an owner packed container we will accept a maximum liability of $100.
• Limited Liability.
1. If you have not provided Us with a written valuation prior to the work commencing, or You do not require Us to apply the Standard Liability according to above condition.
2. In the event of loss of or damage to your goods caused by our negligence or breach of contract, our liability to you shall not exceed $40 per item.
3. We will only accept Standard Liability if you provide us with a valuation of your goods on the form which we provide.
4. We do not accept liability for loss of or damage to goods confiscated, seized, removed or damaged by Customs Authorities or other Government Agencies unless we have been negligent or in breach of contract.
• We will accept liability for loss or damage only in the following circumstances:
1. arising from our negligence or breach of contract whilst the goods are in our physical possession, or
2. whilst the goods are in the possession of others if the loss or damage is established to have been caused by our failure to pack the goods to a reasonable standard where we have been contracted to pack the goods that are subject to the claim.
• Damage to premises or property other than goods
• Because third party contractors or others are frequently present at the time of collection or delivery it is not always possible to establish who was responsible for loss or damage. Therefore our liability is limited as follows;
1. a) If we cause loss or damage to premises or property other than goods for removal as a result of our negligence or breach of contract, our liability shall be limited to making good the damaged area only.
2. b) If we cause damage as a result of moving goods under your express instruction, against our advice, and where moving the goods in the manner instructed is likely to cause damage, we shall not be liable.
3. c) If we are responsible for causing damage to Your premises or to property other than goods submitted for removal and/or storage, You must note this on the worksheet or delivery receipt as soon as practically possible after the damage occurs or is discovered or in any event within a reasonable time. This is fundamental to the Agreement.
4. In case of any damage to the furniture or property customer should let us know within 48 hours of job done. If the customers take longer that than company is not liable for any damage!.
• Exclusions of liability
In respect of Limited Liability, we will not be liable for loss of or damage to Your goods as a result of fire or explosion howsoever that fire or explosion was caused, unless we have been negligent or in breach of contract.

1. Unless we are negligent or in breach of contract (in which case our liability will be limited under either Standard or Limited Liability as set out in Clause above) we will not be liable for any loss of, damage to, or failure to produce the following goods:
2. Bonds, Securities, Stamps of all kinds, Manuscripts or other Documents or Electronically held Data Records, Mobile Telephones.
3. Plants or goods likely to encourage moth vermin or other pests or to cause infestation or contamination.
4. Perishable items and/or those requiring a controlled environment.
5. Loss of structural integrity of furniture constructed of particle board resulting from crumbling of the board.
6. For exceeding $100 in value, Jewellery, Watches, Precious Stones and Metals, Money, Coins, Deeds, Mobile Telephones, Portable Media and Computing Devices
7. Any animals, birds or fish.
• In respect of Standard Liability and Limited Liability, other than as a result of our negligence or breach of contract we will not be liable for any loss of, damage to, or failure to produce the goods if caused by any of the following circumstances:-
1. We shall not be liable for delays or failures to provide the services under this Agreement as a result of war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, terrorism, rebellion and/or military coup, Act of God, adverse weather, third party industrial action, re-scheduled sailing, departure or arrival times, port congestion, or other such events outside our reasonable control.
2. Loss or damage arising from ionising radiations or radioactive contamination.
3. Loss or damage arising from Chemical, Biological, Bio-chemical, Electromagnetic Weapons and Cyber Attack.
• We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by Us or Our employees or agents in circumstances where:
1. there is no breach of this Agreement by Us or by any of Our employees or agents
2. such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach.
3. By normal wear and tear, natural or gradual deterioration, leakage or evaporation or from perishable or unstable goods. This includes goods left within furniture or appliances.
4. By vermin, moth, insects and similar infestation.
5. By cleaning, repairing or restoring unless we arranged for the work to be carried out.
6. Changes to atmospheric conditions which results in mould, mildew, rusting, tarnishing, corrosion, or gradual deterioration unless directly linked to ingress of water caused by Our negligence or breach of contract.
7. For any goods in wardrobes, drawers or appliances, or in a package, bundle, carton, case or other container not both packed and unpacked by us.
8. Loss of or damage to china, glassware and fragile items unless they have been both professionally packed and unpacked by us or our Subcontractor. In the event of an accident involving an owner packed container where damage would have occurred irrespective of the quality of the packing, then Our maximum liability is limited to $100 for the entire contents of the box or the actual value of the damaged items (taking into account the items age and condition at the time of loss or damage) whichever is less.
9. For electrical or mechanical derangement to any appliance, instrument, clock, computer or other equipment unless there is evidence of related external damage.
10. Loss or damage of motor vehicles caused by scratching, denting and marring unless You obtain from us a pre-collection condition report.
11. Loss or damage to a vehicle whilst being driven or for the purpose of being driven under its own power other than for the purpose of loading onto or unloading from the carrying conveyance or container. Loss or damage sustained by accessories and removable items unless lost with the vehicle
12. For any goods which have a pre-existing defect or are inherently defective.
• No employee of ours shall be separately liable to you for any loss, damage, miss-delivery, errors or omissions under the terms of this Agreement.
• Time limit for claims
1. If you or your authorised representative collects the goods, we must be notified in writing of any loss or damage at the time the goods are handed to you or your agent otherwise we shall not be liable.
2. we will not be liable for any loss of or damage to the goods unless a claim is notified to us, or to our agent or the company carrying out the collection or delivery of the goods on our behalf, in writing as soon as such loss or damage is discovered (or with reasonable diligence ought to have been discovered) and in any event in detail within seven (7) days of delivery of the goods by us.
3. For goods which we deliver, you must give Us detailed notice in writing of any loss and damage within seven days of delivery by Us. We may agree to extend this time limit upon receipt of your written request provided such request is received within seven (7) days of delivery. Consent to such a request will not be unreasonably withheld.
Instead of receiving a sum in the amount of the lesser of the cost of repair or fair market value, Focus Removalsmay choose, in its discretion, to have the item repaired or replaced by the insurance company of its choice.
The customer must report damage to Focus Removals’ office within 48 hours from the time of the move, or no claim will be honoured. Please check all items after they have been moved.
Impossibility and Impracticability:
If Focus Removalsis unable to perform your move as scheduled, due to circumstances outside of Focus Removals’ control, such as the inability to fit an item through a doorway or an item being too heavy or large to move, then you may still be charged for Focus Removals’ times and travel costs associated with attempting the move.
General Information:
Many people ask if the movers can receive tips. Yes, if you believe your movers did a good job, any tips are appreciated.
Focus Removalswill not disconnect any gas appliances. ·Focus Removalscannot transport any inflammable or hazardous substance.
We are not responsible for dirty or soiled carpets; we do carry carpet shields that are for sale.
Travel: we charge only pick up to drop off point. Therefore, we have a travel charge to get employees from our office to where we start the job, then from the end of the job back to the office. You were told at the time of scheduling your move an estimated travel charge. If we need to make more than one trip to complete the job, you will incur only one travel charge, absent extraordinary circumstances. If your pick up location or drop off location change, or if the amount of men needed change, your travel charge will be adjusted. if its within 30 km radius from the Perth Focus Removals. Then it will be 30 minute call out fee. We will charge for first one hour 30 minute extra for every job we do. And if its more than 30 km radios than it will depends on how far it is.
Hourly: The hourly charge is based upon how many movers are needed to do your move. You were told an estimated charge when scheduling your move. If more men are needed, your hourly charge will change. The hourly charge starts when our movers arrive at the job and ends when we have completed what you had asked us to do at the time of scheduling. After the first hour we bill in 30 minute increments, this is the hourly rate broken into half. 5 minutes into the next half hour, we charge for a full half hour.
There may be an extra charge for any large, cumbersome, extremely heavy, fragile or disposal of items. The movers will let you know if there is an extra charge before they move the item or items.
The customer service person that scheduled this job has determined this rate by the information that was provided to him or her. If the movers find that there are more items to move, extra heavy, extra fragile, or assembly or disassembly is needed the flat rate may change. The movers will let you know ahead of time.
Trucks: – At Focus Removals, we use different size of truck for different jobs, that is the reason we ask for a detailed list of the items that you need to have moved. There is never any guarantee that all of your items will fit into one load. If more than one trip is needed, you are only charged the travel charge one time, but you are charged the hourly rate from the time that we arrive until we are finished.
Packing: – If we have been hired to pack belongings for you, our same hourly rates apply, plus any packing material that has been used. Please ask the office about packing material prices. We charge separately for packing materials and packing supplies used for this job.
The credit card number that was used to reserve the move is only used to reserve a time slot. If you were to cancel your move, change the date or time of your move, you must do that before two business days before the day of the move, or there will be a non refundable $50.00 charge. The final payment is due in full at the end of the move, by cash, check or credit card. The credit cards that we accept are Master Card and Visa.
The customer agrees to remove breakable items from dresser drawers before the move. The customer agrees to remove all items from desk drawers and lateral file cabinets before the move.
If Focus Removalsis loading or unloading a truck or storage unit, it is responsible only for the items while they are in Focus Removals immediate care.Focus Removalsis not responsible for the contents of the boxed items which it has not packed. If we feel an item cannot be moved safely due to circumstances beyond our control, we will have you sign a release liability before moving these items. Some of these items include particle board or pieces with pre-existing damage. ·We ask you to check the truck when the movers are finished, to make sure that none of your belongings were left on it. If you think that something is missing, you must call the office within 48 hours.
Publicity and Use of Images
Customer gives permission for Focus Removalsto use and to publish on its website and promotional materials photographs and descriptions of the customer’s property and photographs of before, during, and after the move. The customer waives any legal or equitable claims against Focus Removals, its owners, agents, and employees, for the use and publication described in this paragraph.
Water and Gas Lines
You should disconnect all water and gas lines from all items you wish Focus Removalsto move before Focus Removalsarrives. If Focus Removalsneeds to disconnect a water line before moving an item, we will do so. However, you agree to waive any claims against Focus Removalsfor consequential and incidental damages arising out of or relating to Focus Removals’ disconnecting water lines. This waiver includes damages you may incur for property damage, loss of use, labour costs, income, business, and reputation. Focus Removalscannot disconnect any type of gas line.
Severability and Interpretation
Whenever possible, each part of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law. If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or incapable of being enforced, then all other conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The customer agrees that any court or other body that construes this Agreement, to the extent necessary to avoid any unenforceability, shall reform such part of this Agreement to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable in accordance with the intent of the parties expressed herein. The parties also agree the court shall not construe any ambiguity against the drafter.
This Agreement is the entire agreement between the customer and Focus Removals and supersedes all prior representations or agreements. This Agreement may be amended or supplemented only in writing and signed by both the customer and Focus Removals. This Agreement is made under the internal laws of Missouri without reference to choice of law rules and is binding on the successors, heirs, and assigns of the customer and Focus Removal.